With the never ending lockdowns and rather depressing daily news, we have collated a list of twenty four uplifting and fun dates we can all look forward to this year. Being a wine enthusiast, I think 25th May might just be my favourite!
January 2021
11th January 2021 - Clean Off Your Desk Day
Spruce up your working space. Organise and file your paperwork. Consider reviewing all your digital files too. Invest in beautiful stationery and make your ‘working from home’ space as gorgeous as you can.
13th January 2021 - Make Your Dreams Come True Day
Encourages us to be proactive about achieving what we really want in life. If you have been procrastinating lately, start today. Sit down, make a plan and start working on fulfilling your dream. Having a focus will help you to distract yourself from the current situation we find ourselves in. And just think, what you can achieve in just year if you start today!
February 2021
17th February - Random Acts of Kindness Day
Lend a helping hand to someone in need and pay it forward.
22nd February - Single Tasking Day
Some say multitasking reduces productivity. So, make a list today and work on one thing at a time. Do not more forward until you completed have the task your are working on.
March 2021
4th March - World Book Day
Created in 1995, the World Book Day encourages us to discover the pleasure of reading. Time to get a new book and get lost in beautiful fiction!
8th March - International Women’s Day
Our day ladies! We can do anything we want on this day!!
April 2021
1st April - Have Fun at Work Day
Oh, the possibilities are endless here!
14th April - Look Up at The Sky Day
Encourages us to spend more time outdoors and simply appreciate the beauty of nature. Look up!
May 2021
6th May - No Diet Day
Despite what social media, magazines and society tells us, we are perfect just as we are and this day encourages us to appreciate our bodies, love and accept ourselves.
25th May - National Wine Day
Need I say more?!
June 2021
1st June - Say Something Nice Day
A day to uplift others and spread joy and happiness. According to some, this unofficial holiday was inspired by Mitchell Carnell's book, Say Something Nice - Be a Lifter @ Work. Perhaps something to be added and enjoyed on the World Book Day!
12th June - World Gin Day
The Botanist Wild Cherry anyone?
July 2021
12th July - Simplicity Day
Encourages us to embrace the simple things in life and appreciate what we have.
7th July - World Chocolate Day
Yes please! Let’s get baking!
August 2021
15th August - Relaxation Day
A reminder to slow down, breathe in and take a moment to unwind. Luckily this day falls on a Sunday too!
8th August - Happiness Happens Day
Do something that makes you happy. Do something that makes people around you happy. A reminder to share happy, joyful and uplifting messages throughout the day.
September 2021
13th September - Positive Thinking Day
Encourages us to approach difficult situations in life with optimism.
26th September - Love Note Day
One of the most romantic ways to tell that special person how you feel about them. Life is short, get a pen, paper and write a Love Note to your special someone today.
October 2021
1st October - World Smile Day
It is said, "A smile can change someone's day." How many will you make smile today?
10th October - World Mental Heath Day
Research. Learn. Reach out. Help. So very important especially these days!
November 2021
11th November - Singles Day
Mostly known in China, where singles celebrate this day by treating themselves to gifts and presents. Sounds good to me!
13th November - World Kindness Day
Created in 1998 by the World Kindness Movement. This unofficial holiday encourages us to be kind to each other and spread happiness, joy and peace. What will you do today to participate?
December 2021
3rd December - Make a Gift Day
With Christmas approaching, Make a Gift Day encourages us to make personal gifts for our loved ones.
14th December - Christmas Jumper Day
Just because it is fun!